Ragnhildur Þóra Káradóttir, University of Cambride and Háskóli Íslands (11 am): «Myelin plasticity – a mechanism of learning and brain repair«
Lene Juel Rasmussen, University of Copenhagen (12 noon): «Healthy Brain Aging: understand and intervene«
Keeping the brain in shape is a prerequisite for good life, and particularly at old age, when age-associated diseases encroach upon us. Here we get updated on the current advances.https://www.dnva.no/detskjer/2020/09/nansen-neuroscience-lectures-2020
Nansen Neuroscience Lectures 2020
10.30 – 13:30 Monday 12/10/2020 Drammensveien 78, Oslo, and Digitally (Zoom & STREAM)
The Nansen Neuroscience Lectures (NNL) honour Nansen’s ground-breaking contribution to neuroscience, and since 10.10.10 the event is part of the Academy’s annual Nansen-celebration. PREVIOUS NANSEN NEUROSCIENCE LECTURES, and Nansen’s contribution: See booklet (pdf)
Register for the seminar by using the registration form at https://www.dnva.no/detskjer/2020/09/nansen-neuroscience-lectures-2020.
Due to the corona virus, we will only be able to accomodate max 30 people physically. Others will be able to see the stream through Zoom.
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee and refreshments – mingling
11:00 – 11:03 Opening
Hans Petter Graver, President of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
11:03 – 11:06 Introduction
Linda H Bergersen, University of Oslo11:06 – 11:46Lecture: «Myelin plasticity – a mechanism of learning and brain repair»
Ragnhildur Þóra Káradóttir, University of Cambridge and Háskoli Íslands (University of Iceland)
11:46 – 12:00 Discussion and questions from the audience
Moderated by Jon Storm-Mathisen
12:03 – 12:06 Introduction
Linda H Bergersen, University of Oslo12:06 – 12:46Lecture: «Healthy Brain Aging: understand and intervene»
Lene Juel Rasmussen, Center for Healthy Aging (CEHA), University of Copenhagen
12:46 – 13:00 Discussion and questions from the audience
Moderated by Jon Storm-Mathisen
13:00 – 13:30 Coffee and refreshments – Informal discussions

Organisers: Linda H. Bergersen and Jon Storm-Mathisen in cooperation with the University of Oslo, the Nansen Neuroscience Network (NNN), and the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (DNVA).

The event is hosted as a cooperation between The University of Oslo, The Nansen Neuroscience Network and The Norwegian Academy of Science & Letters