Nansen Neuroscience Lecture 2024

October 10th

10.30 – 12.00

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Drammensveien 78, 0271 Oslo

A HIIT – What’s good for the heart is even better for the brain

The Nansen Neuroscience Lecture 2024 is given by Ulrik Wisløff, presenting his role as entrepreneur in the field of exercise physiology. 

The meeting is free of charge and open to the public. Due to limited seating, we ask our guests to register for physical attendance.

The lecture will be live streamed. A link will be provided on this website.

This lecture celebrates Ulrik Wisløff’s extraordinary journey of discoveries offering insights into the importance of exercise training and cardiorespiratory fitness in health and disease.


10:30 Coffee and refreshments – mingling
11:00 Opening by Lise Øvreås, President of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
11:03 Introduction by Linda Hildegard Bergersen, University of Oslo
11:05 A HIIT – What’s good for the heart is even better for the brain by Ulrik Wisløff
11:45 Discussion and questions from the audience, moderated by Jon Storm-Mathisen
12:00 Coffee and refreshments, informal discussions

Foto: NTNU

Ulrik Wisløff and colleagues provided the first causative evidence that low exercise capacity per se dramatically increases the risk of heart disease. The study, published in Science in 2005, with commentary in Nature Medicine, was ranked as one of the most important papers in the metabolism field at the time.

Wisløff subsequently showed that high-intensity exercise training was safe and led to superior improvements in aerobic capacity (fitness) and cardiac function in heart failure patients (Circulation, 2007). This line of research formed the basis for his research group; with later studies showing optimal results with high intensity exercise in various lifestyle related disorders. He and his group revealed that temporal changes in resting heart rate predict death from heart disease in the general population (JAMA, 2011). Combined, this led to creation of a calculator to estimate fitness and so predict death in the general population. The calculator is free and available on the web and all app stores. To date 80.5 million users have used the fitness calculator. The American Heart Association now advocates the use of this fitness calculator in clinical practice (Circulation, 2016). 

Wisløff is also the inventor of the Personalized Activity Intelligence (PAI); a metric that calculates how much physical activity a person needs to be protected against life-style related disease and premature death. The PAI app is free and available in all app stores (used by more than 70 million people worldwide). At current Wisløff works on deciphering the molecular secrets of exercise training and its beneficial effect on brain health. In an ongoing study Wisløff and colleagues treat patients with Alzheimer’s disease with plasma from exercised trained blood donors. He and his group ( has translated basic experimental evidence into clinical trials (and patient benefit) within a short timeframe of 10 years, with research spanning from molecules to society, and back again. 

His record of accomplishment demonstrates leadership, capability and innovation required to perform groundbreaking research. He is also a committed mentor who actively supports next generation scientists. Wisløff has personally supervised 22 postdoctoral fellows and 40 PhD students, who have gone on to have successful careers in both industry and academia.

The Nansen Neuroscience Lecture 2024 celebrates Ulrik Wisløff’s extraordinary journey of discoveries offering insights into the importance of exercise training and cardiorespiratory fitness in health and disease.

Nansen Neuroscience Lecture

The Nansen Neuroscience Lectures (NNLs) are organized in conjunction with Fridtjof Nansen’s birthday to honour his fundamental contribution to neuroscience. Since 10.10.2010 they are part of the Academy’s Nansen-celebration. The NNLs are given by speakers selected from the top tier of science research.  

The lectures are organized by Linda H. Bergersen and Jon Storm-Mathisen in cooperation with the University of Oslo, The Nansen Neuroscience Network (NNN), and The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (DNVA).